
Orkla Health’s stance on business ethics and corporate responsibility is presented in Orkla’s Directive on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Orkla Code of Conduct.

Anyone in a work-related context to Orkla who experiences situations or matters that may be contrary to rules and regulations or the Orkla Code of Conduct, the Group urges them to raise their concern with their immediate superior or another manager in Orkla. Orkla stresses that Group companies are required to protect whistleblowers against retaliation. Whistleblowers are also protected under the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive and related national legal requirements.

Orkla has established a whistleblowing function to enable reporting persons to alert the Group’s governing bodies about possible breaches of the Orkla Code of Conduct if it is difficult to raise the matter locally. The function is administered by Orkla Group Internal Audit on behalf of the Board Audit Committee of Orkla ASA. Orkla’s whistleblowing function is thus organised independently of Orkla’s line management.